Sunday, 31 January 2016


Strangely enough(!) this will be my first Valentines in a relationship. Despite recognising the clearly money-centric nature of this 'holiday', there are a few good finds on the highstreet at the minute. Who says Valentines needs to be spent staring longingly into a half-finished tub of Ben & Jerry's watching that re-run of Bridget Jones? Here are a few ideas that are sure to make Valentines 2016 a good one no matter the circumstances, so get your pen and paper ready to note these options, whether with a SO or as an opener to the perfect anti-Valentines!


Sunday, 24 January 2016

What happiness feels like | 2015 in review


Happy 2016!

While I'm still finding it pretty crazy how much happened last year, Instagram's new 'Bestnine' feature made me realise just how much I accomplished, just how many happy moments were shared and just how much of a whirlwind 2015 was.
 So I thought I'd share a few with you guys!